Wednesday 11 January 2017

Trailer Editing

Trailer Editing 

For this task I decided to do editing on our trailer, after filming the first half of our footage and importing it to final cut pro I then went on to the process of starting to edit it.
The first thing i did was add a cross dissolve effect to test out what it would look like at the start of our trailer when the boys life is good and calm, which will show a clear contrast to the fast paced editing when he's life spirals out of control. 

I then started cutting down the clips by using the trim tool and blade to cut certain clips in half as some bits were better then others. I had to make the clips very shot as it is a teaser trailer which we are making.

This is a close up of the editing by cutting down the clips, there was many clips so I had to make sure i was cutting down the right bit, for example if the camera was shaky  at a certain part I'd cut that bit out.

This was the fishing result I managed to cut down the trailer to 1 minute which is an improvement from 3 minutes. However there is still more footage to cut down as we have our second shooting day footage to add in.

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