Tuesday 21 February 2017

Audience Feedback

Audience Feedback
After completing our teaser trailer task, poster and website we showed all three to multiple people for our school and class. We received some feedback from fellow peers and A Level media students within our school. Each group showed their promotional package to the class and all received  written and verbal feedback. This included what was good about the piece and what things needed to be improved.
This is a picture of the feedback we received
 After receiving this feedback from people It was my job to re look at the trailer and change the things that people had highlighted. There was a trend in the things that were done wrong. The main points that I found were that The music ended to abruptly at the end, The sound in some places were too load and that the voice over ended too quickly.

The first thing I then went on to change was the music. I looked at who the music sounded and agreed with the feedback. this was because the sound cuts out instantly. The way I got round this was to extend the music so the duration was longer and then put a fade out on it. Whilst doing this I also changed the starting location of the music so it started at the beginning of a shot and not the middle. This also aloud the bass drop to fall on the start of the montage. After this had been done the music sounded good and didn't cut out or jump in at places that it shouldn't.

This is a picture of the sound at the end were it cut out. As you can see now the sound track has a fade in it as shown by the white marker. The curve shows that the music is fading out slowly rather then stopping abruptly

The next thing that I had to change was the sound. I went through the whole of the piece and listened to the sound to see if shots were to load in there diegetic music. I found multiple shots where the decibels exceeded were they needed to be. It was quite easy to reduce the sound as all I needed to do was drag the music volume down.
As you can see the audio in some places Is yellow in colour and even red. This means that the music and dialogue at some points exceeds were it needs to be. All I did was drag the audio volume bars down and this aloud the music to be at the right volume for the viewers.

The final thing that needed to be done was the voice over. In the feedback I was told that the voice over ended to quickly. Because of this I needed to break up the voice over. Instead of it being one long sound clip I split it up into little sections. this aloud me to place exact pieces in different places and break up the monologue. I made sure that it spanned from the beginning to the end of the train scene.

As you can see the dialogue music bar on the bottom line has been separated in different places. This means that the gaps in the dialogue spread it out so it didn't end early on in the trailer.

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