Tuesday 13 September 2016

Deconstruction of Genre

Genre Deconstruction - Pineapple Express

Pineapple express is a 2008 american action comedy film. the plot of the movie focuses on a process server and his marijuana dealer who are being hunted down and chased by a corrupt police officer and a drug lord. 

Setting: the setting is always dependent on the type of comedy.the most common locations are in bright well light places like towns or cities in houses or pubs where social situations can occur. pineapple express is set in these conditions in the comedy parts but because it is hybridised with action some scenes are in dark rooms and places where drugs are made.
drug nest setting, characters seen in well lit facility

Camerawork: the camera shots and angles used are very natural within comedies as all of the characters are in the same social status and they are all equal. Mid shots close ups and two shots are used commonly to show the relationship between character. The jokes are the main focal point of the story so the camera have to focus on the reactions of the people. this is seen in the pineapple express whenever there is a joke. The character takes centre shot and it often only focuses on the face of the person.

medium shot of characters expressions

Sound: sound is very important within the comedy genre. Diegetic sound such as dialogue has to be very clear and well presented to make sure that all people watching the show or film understand what is being said and can laugh at it. background sounds are also very important so to cause emphasis on the jokes as they are quitter then normal and cause also work as emphasises on the joke. This is seen less in the film but that is only because it is a hybrid of action or comedy which means there has to be loud noises like gun shots. But this is seen in the film in parts where no action chases are being seen and the highlight of the scene is the comedy aspects.

Characters laughing at jokes

Character type: idiotic people are usually used in comedies. they are often put alongside normal people so they can be compared against them and show personality differences and an be easily identified throughout the film. This also puts emphasis on them as they stand put from the crowd. in pineapple express this is evident because it is a stoner comedy and the characters follow serotypes of people that smoke wed. They are stupid and dim-witted and are always high even when they are working and trying to survive.

typical 'stoner' characters all ways smoking and laughing

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