Wednesday 14 September 2016

Genre Deconstruction- The Conjuring

The Conjuring Teaser Trailer -2.30 minutes 

The beginning scene shows a large family running through a front door dresses in 70s clothing's, the colours of the clothes are warm colours yellows, oranges and browns popular for that decade and suggesting the family are happy. However the mise-en-scene also gives a creepy edge as its an old setting. 

The trailer is divided up into 3 sections, the first shows the mum and children playing a game of hide and seek the music playing is up beat and happy the equilibrium of the movie. The first act ends when the wardrobe door opens and the feel of the trailer changes as the music stops and eerie science happens the first glimpse of the haunting.

After this appears telling the audience the narrative of the story and adding an eerie feel to the film.

A long establishing shot of the house is then shown this is a common convention of horror movies being a old  house in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by darkness telling us how the house is isolated. The shot then zooms in giving us the impression that the house is the main setting of the film.

A high angle shot is shown of a young girl laying in bed, this is a common convention of horror films  which is that females are represent as victims and helpless because they have had less experience and more vulnerable due to their age. A young girl is used to attract the audience to appeal to this age group.

A sudden loud smash appears where pictures of the family have randomly fallen and smashed onto the floor. Before the smash there was a long gap of science coming as a shock to the audience, a child's laugh appears over the top which is disturbing for the audience as we get the impression which is that whatever is causing the disruption is enjoying it. Sudden loud noise after long gaps of silence are common in horror trailers.

After this appears telling the audience that the film is going to be a good horror movie as is from the same director as two other famous horror movies. When the text appeared during the trailer the music becomes quieter.

The lights flicker on and off as the women is shown walking through the house slow paced editing is used at this time to create suspense and tension as it builds up for the big scene. The music is also very eerie and mysterious in time with the on and off lights.

The women then goes down into the cellar when the noise appears to be coming from this is strange as the children are in bed which is creepy as we don't know who is tormenting the women. She turns on the cellar light and peers down trying to threaten whatever is down there, she tries to make a quick exit as she does this the door slams suddenly onto her face and the light bulb bursts giving the audience a fright. The editing at this point becomes fast paced as the tension builds up. 

The scene is in complete darkness all you can hear is the women scrambling around creating sympathy for her as she is shown to be vulnerable and helpless. We wear a match stick be lit as her face appears, the lighting used is typical horror low key lighting a contrast of dark and light colours. At this point we can only hear her heavily breathing showing us her fear. Hands appear from behind her and clap where the match goes out. 

The screen then goes black and a scream is herd typical sound for a horror movie. A child's music box then begins to play as the title appears making the viewer feel uneasy. This also leaves a sense if enigma for the audience.

By deconstructing this supernatural horror trailer i am able to see what we will need to include if we decide to do this genre for our trailer, which is an option at the moment.

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