Wednesday 21 September 2016

Genre Investigation

Genre Investigation

An Urban Drama film is a sub genre of Drama and highlights a real life outlook on society and shows social issues within society today.

Examples of urban drama films are:
  • Slumdog Millionaire
  • 8 Mile
  • Adulthood
  • Kidulthood
  • Anuvahood
  • Brotherhood
  • Ill Manors
  • Bullet Boy
  • City Of God

A Comedy film is based on humour, they are made to make people laugh often though an exaggerated character and usually end with a happy ending.

Examples of comedy films are:
  • American Pie
  • Bad Neighbours
  • Mean Girls
  • 21 Jump Street
  • Superbad
  • Were the Millers
  • Bridesmaids
  • The Hangover
  • Grown Ups

Pros and Cons

Urban Drama Pros:
  • As we all teenagers it will be easier to find characters to play the role as the main characters in urban dramas are usually teenagers.
  • We will be able to get a good outlook on society and social issues as we are living through them.
  • There are quite a few locations near where we live which may be suitable for the film e.g. council estates and parks.
  • The gang wont have to be shown for very long so therefore isn't much of a issue with filming.
Urban Drama Cons:
  • May be hard to find the right location needed due to restrictions of land.
  • Some of the stuff needed to make the trailer more realistic is illegal e.g. drugs underage drinking.
  • May be hard to find the suitable actors and a lot of them as we will need a gang, also making sure everyone will be able to film on that day.

Comedy Pros:
  • Can find an easier location, can be filmed in a variety of different places.
  • Don't necessarily need a big group of people or a gang to film so wouldn't be as many problems with making sure everyone can make filming.
  • Wouldn't have to worry much about dark lighting as would be upbeat would be bright lighting.
Comedy Cons:
  • There will have to consist of a bit of talking in the trailer which doesn't always look or sound right and we wasn't planning of including.
  • A lot of comedy's consist of older people  most of our actors will be younger e.g. teenagers.  
  • There may be less footage which we can include in the trailer as we wouldn't have much speaking there wouldn't be much else to show making it hard for the viewers to establish the genre.

After looking at the pros and cons for each urban dram and comedy genre. We have decided that for our teaser trailer the most suitable genre for our group is urban drama. This is because not much talking will be included or none at all, we are the same ages as the characters in other urban dramas e.g. Kidulthood. We will be able to find suitable characters and locations and also give a good realistic outlook of problems within today's society.

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