Wednesday 21 September 2016

Teaser Trailer Deconstruction

Horror genre

Some things you would expect to see in a horror genre:
  • blood
  • villain
  • damsel in distress
  • heroic male or female
  • weapons
  • dark colours
  • scary settings
  • undead people/monsters
  • bad weather
  • sound motif (specific characters)

Horror films are uncomfortable films designed to make the audience panic, be frightened, cause dread and awareness, invoke our most hidden worst fears, capture and entertain us in an emotional cleansing movie experience, and will probably conclude with a terrifying shocking finale.In the majority of horror films there will be a lead character/victim that will most likely survive through out the film. the killer/monster will most likely have a specific style or trademark, in the way he/she or it kills victims or causes mayhem. its usually good vs evil in most horror films. the two characters will have a conflict. usually the outcome is that the good character defeats the killer/monster or solves the problem.

The Bye Bye Man - Teaser trailer 1:34

The Bye Bye Man is a upcoming American supernatural horror film directed by Stacy Title and written by Jonathan Penner. It s based on the chapter "The Bridge to Body Island" in Robert Damon Schneck's book The President's Vampire.

The trailer starts with these news paper artials. We can already see the connotations between horror films as it is talking about death and murder.

Police vehical seen in shot, dark colours showing eerie seen and red lights foreshadowing gore and blood
A family man holding a weapon in nice estate shooting someone. showing supernatural taking over. Also shows gore as blood splatter comes from the door

Kid drawings scribbled in red pencil above ancient writing . shows supernatural kid horror elements. this adds to the supernatural posset ion side of the horror film

The name of the goust or entity. This adds to the horror element because his name has been deeply gauged into somewhere he should not have been. Adding to the suspense of the trailer.

Little girl shown in trailer. Shows the supernatural generic conventions of a little girl be controlled by a supernatural entity.

Man in all black, adds to horror conventions of darkness and fear as black represents foreboding and eeriness.

weapon seen in shot, this shows that there will be murder and death in the film which is a key part of horror films.

The title of the movie shows the horror genre as well. Old sherif font is used as the ends of the letter have flicks this adds to horror as this is a convention on horror writing.

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