Wednesday 5 October 2016

Action Genre Pros and Cons

Action film is a genre where physical action takes precedence in the storytelling. The film will often have continuous motion and action including physical stunts, chases, fights, battles, and races. The story usually revolves around a hero that has a goal, but is facing incredible odds to obtain it. They always achieve this goal through physical violence and never by talking to opponents. The hero is always sided with by the audience. Some examples of action films are captain America, Iron man, 2 guns, red, fast and furious trilogy and the list goes on.

Other generic conventions include: Damsel in distress
                                                         Use of weaponry  
                                                         Destruction and damage inflicted on the location
                                                         Hero is always at a disadvantage
                                                         Hero has a group of skilled friends to help them

Pros to doing an action film:
  • Most action films focus on events in the day so there is a lot off movement and congestion in the shot. This is good for us because it means we will not have to film in the dark ,like for example horrors, and our camera shots will be lit correctly.
  • locations would be easy to find as we would use urban areas, this means places that we live and local areas could be used effectively so we wouldn't have to travel very far.
  • pols are very simple to come up with as all we have to do is include action sequences in the trailer. This means post production planning time will be reduced as we do not have to feature any delicate matters in society that we will need to depict correctly do not to offend.
Cons of doing an action film:
  • they involve action, this means that we will have to provide quality shots of chases and explosions which will not be in our budget and we will have to be able to do them so they look professionally which will be hard.
  • Non of our group is trained in martial arts or any type of gymnastics, some can act but in actin films fighting and combat will have to be used and we are not trained in doing so, this may mean fights do not look real
  • props will have to be made to look realist which may be hard as guns and knives will be very hard to make realistic unless they are the rea thing.

After looking at all these points it will probably be better if we looked at other genres to focus on as action will be hard to pull off in a professional way. this is because there are many generic conventions that will be hard to make look realistic.

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