Thursday 27 October 2016

Actor Deconstruction

Actors are the people seen acting in films and TV programs. They are performers who are paid to play a certain role in a script. As we are filming a realistic film depicting real life situations like gangs we will have to include actors in out shots. Because of the us of actors in our trailer we will have to research into what makes a good urban drama character, especially when it comes to the main protagonist in the film.

When researching into character archetypes I found that:

Urban Drama Protagonist - The main character is normally located in a Urban deprived areas,Inner-city, Ghetto area. Negative aspects, that the protagonist tries to overcome, they tend to be serious or sensible than his/her friends. They may also have a negative outlook on life due to social class. They are often exposed to dangerous situations and illegal networks. Often they have dysfunctional families where the father of the house could have left or the death of a loved one effects the family servilely. In the end they overcome there problems and often learn from there experiences.

A good example of a character that displays many of these archetypes is books from the TV show the get down. The Get Down will focus on 1970s New York City – broken down and beaten up, violent, cash-strapped dying city.  The show focuses on the rag-tag crew of South Bronx teenagers are a bunch nobodies, with no one to shelter them – except each other, armed only with verbal games, improvised dance steps, some magic markers and spray cans.

Books has quick wit and love of the written word, can put together a beat and rap at a moment’s notice. His cool and boyish charm hides a philosophical thinker, a straight A student and a golden ticket to any ivy league college of his choosing. However, it’s the girl of his dreams, Mylene that captivates Books’ time and attention. His raps chronical and weave the story of The Get Down from beginning to end. His psychical appearance also shows conventions. He is quite small and so can easily b e overpowered by people he also looks very realistically representing  for his time which adds realism of his character. He is dressed In 70s clothes and has an afro so he can fit in with the times the show is meant to be depicting.

This is a very common character type for urban dramas, Tis is because he has a gift that can get him out of his social class which is at rock bottom. He finds a way to get money besides selling drugs and becoming a bang banger. When looking at a character I will need to develop this character will give me a lot of inspiration.

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