Friday 14 October 2016

Focus Group

Focus Group

One of our tasks was to have a focus group where we asked 5 students from sixth form questions about urban dramas. The people we asked were all 18 we made sure they were this age as its the age of our target audience for our trailer.
 This was to give us an idea on what an audience would want and expect from an urban drama to make our trailer better.
This is our video

The questions we asked and common responses were:

Where would you say the most common location is set for an urban drama film and     why?  
The streets and council estates, parks- common people, drama and everyday life and people.

What characteristics would you expect the main character of an urban drama film to portray? 
Aggravated, rebellious, violent, lower class and income.

Name some common props you would expect in an urban   drama? 
Drugs, guns, cocaine, heroine, pills, hard drugs, recitation drugs, knifes.

What gangs have you herd about for what reasons?

What issues would you say are current to today's society in youth culture?
 Oppression, expectation education and work, underage drinking, teenage pregnancy, drugs, violence.

After viewing an urban drama do you have a different outlook on societal views and why?
Yes get an insight to a life  necessarily wouldn't be exposed to. Brought up in middle class environment then see a lower class appreciate what you have and struggles of other people.

After looking at our responses I can see what the audience expect to see and what they don't. In our urban drama trailer we will include council estates, streets and parks. Our character will be male lower class probably black, violent and rebellious. We will include fake drugs which will be hard drugs, guns and knifes. Issues will be included such as underage drinking, teenage pregnancy, drugs, violence and oppression. We will make sure our trailer is realistic so the audience can really get an insight into working class youth in today's society so they are left with a different outlook on society.
This focus group has really helped us in the planning of our trailer as we now know what to include and what not to include.

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