Tuesday 11 October 2016

Gore/special effect Practical

Gore/special effect Practical
For our film opening our genre is urban drama, within urban dramas there is a lot of violence which causes bruises. Due to this I have decided to-do a gore/ special effect practical where I will create bruising to the face.
The first thing I did was do some research on YouTube where I found this video of a girl showing how to create bruising with makeup.  This gave me inspiration to do my own.
After watching the video I gathered together some items which I needed to create the bruising effect. I had some make up sponges, cotton buds and wool, different shades of eye shadows mainly dark purples, black, green and blue. I also got red lipstick, eye shadow brushes, Vaseline and a paint pallet with brushes and bowl of water.   
First of all I got this make up sponge where I tore bits of the flat end.
This was the result from the tearing creating this ridged edge, to create a more realistic bruising effect.
This is the model which I used, this is him before the bruising.
First of all I added the purple colour of the eye shadow to the corner of the eye dragging it down around the bags and above the cheek bone. I used the sponge adding dabs of the red lipstick as well.
I then added more darker shades of purple as well as creating a bruise above the eyebrow as well. I added more and more colours as I went adding bits of blue and green while blending it in with the rest. I also added the colour to the eye lid as well.
After i added in black eye shadow into the corner of the eye to make it look more realistic, I blended the black in with my fingers so it wasn't so obvious. I added darker colours to the bruise above the eyebrow. I got the sponge again adding a bit more red so it looked more like a graze. I got cotton wool where I added a bit of nail varnish remover so I could wipe some of the eye shadow away underneath the eye to make it look more effective.
I then did some finishing touches adding the colours which I felt was needed which was mainly the darker colours e.g. the purple and black. I blended some of it in more and then added Vaseline over the top to make it look like a fresh wound. I also added some purple and red around his nose to make the fight wounds look more believable.
This was my final result.
I feel like by doing this I have learnt a new skill, with more practice I will be able to perfect this to make it better and more realistic. We will include this within our film opening due to the genre having a lot of crime and violence involved. By practicing this more I will be able to make it look better in our film opening. To make this better id do a lot more practice however id also by better equipment for it for example a bruising palette.

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