Monday 24 October 2016

Survey response

Before drafting ideas for a film we needed to see what people like to see in urban drama films. We complied a survey using the site survey monkey which aloud us to make an online survey which asked 10 questions of our choice. We now have over 70 responses so this is a large enough sample size to get good results.

As seen in these results people are effected more by films rather then books. this shows us that we need to handle the topic of drugs and weapons with caution so not to offend or psychologically harm anyone watching our piece. We need to be as professional as possible when making an urban drama film

A huge margin of our results say that they would watch a film with drug use in. This is good because the target audience is around the age of 18 and so are the responses as we sent them to people in our year. This means we have a wide audience that would watch our product about drugs and gangs.

likewise these results indicate that people will watch gangs and violence in films the same as the last questions. These results tell us that we should go on to make a film about gangs and there methods and lives.

High rise flats and trap house scored the highest in the voting system. These means that people think that gangs and crime operate in these areas through stereotypes. This helps us cause it means that we can do location scouting for these areas to find the best place to soot and film our gang story.

looking at these results we have two options when planning. We could either use knives as a weapon used in the trailer or we could use guns. I personally think knives would be more effective as we can get them to look much more realistic then guns. Also editing will be much easier with a knife as we will not need gun shots and muzzle flash's.

This question is very important. It dictates the time shots in our trailer will need to portray. The highest scored answer is past midnight but this will be quite hard for us. This is because the cameras we are using will not be able to capture any footage in this lighting. it will be better for us if we film around 3 o'clock cause its winter, This will make it look like it is filmed in the evening.

Multiple survey came back saying that gang mentality and formation is current to todays society. This shows that there still is a problem with gangs in the world and there will be a lot of inspiration for us to use in real life. This shows that the topic is still something people experiences and is a good idea for a film.

Male was the gender selected by the democracy for the best gender of the good main character. This means we should look into male actors when thinking about the main character for our trailer. This is good because we have much more options for acting males then females.

This shows us that the majority of people prefer movies that relate to actual events happening in our society today. I can now research on current topics and add these ideas and events into our own story line for our piece and project. Like the Crips and Blood gangs who are the two biggest and most violent gangs in America.

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