Saturday 22 October 2016

Survey monkey analysis

Survey analysis (Survey monkey)

Our task was to create a survey on the subject of urban dramas. The survey was created in order to see the general public's opinions on the topic of films and urban dramas.

This photo is a screenshot from survey money which shows that we have reached and surpassed our target on our survey about urban drama which was 50 total responses, At the time of writing this blog we have 69 responses which is more than enough to conduct an analysis on our survey.
Question 1:'Do movies effect your emotions more than books?' and we can see that the majority answered yes (74% of the 69 people who voted). This shows us that due to modern advancements in technology and changes over the years in the society, more people are more emotionally effected by movies/films. 
Question 2:'Would you watch a film if it contained scenes of drug use?' There is a clear common trend due to the stats showing that 90% of the responses answered yes. This shows that when making our film we are able to contain images and videos of drug usage. This means we are able to expand our ideas by shooting scenes of characters using drugs in order to create a more realistic interpretation of urban drama.
Question 3:'Would you watch a film about gangs?' I can see from this data that 84% of the responses to this question were yes. This simply shows us that people in our society are more accepting of learning about gang culture through films. This information means that films about gangs interest the majority of people in our society.
Question 4:'What is your favorite location for an urban drama film?' High rise flats got 35% while estates got 29%, this shows us that these are the two most favored locations of urban drama films. This shows us what locations we need to look for when filming our piece.
Question 5: 'Do you watch films in order to learn the viewpoints of others?' The common response to this question was no; in which 62% of the sample voted for. This shows us that when people watch films they are more likely to be watching fore the sole purpose of entertainment rather than trying to see the view points of others in society. 
Question 6: 'What murder weapon do you feel is most effective for urban drama films?' The two options which the majority of the sample chose are knives (48% voted for) and guns (36% voted for). We decided to throw in some false answer options; the 'crossbow' and 'chainsaw' in order to make sure people were answering the questions realistically, this worked as only 2 people out of the 69 chose these answers. I believe more people voted for knives than guns due to this being more practical in the U.K due to guns being illegal and knives being more readily available. 
Question 7: 'At what time do you feel crime rates are at their highest?' The majority of people (55%)voted for 'midnight onward' as the answer to this question, even though this is the most voted we could use this in our movie by subverting this common convention in urban drama movies by filming crimes in the day instead f in the dark as the quality will be better than if done at night unless use lights. 
Question 8: 'Do you think gang mentality is relevant to current society?' This question was answered by 73% of the sample who voted yes. This question was asked in order to give our group an understanding of peoples knowledge in the gang activities present in society currently. 
Question 9: 'What gender makes the best protagonist?' This question shows that male characters make the best protagonists in urban drama films according to the 55% that voted for this. This shows us that we can conform to this convention by using a male character in our own piece as the main character or we could surprise the audience by using a female character as our protagonist.
Question 10: 'Do you prefer movies that relate to actual events happening in society?' 68% of the sample group voted yes to this question. This shows us that the majority of people prefer movies that relate to actual events happening in our society today. We can then do some more research on current topics and add these ideas and events into our own story line for our piece and project.

In conclusion due to the data we have received from the 69 responses to the survey, we can use this information in order to strengthen our plans and improve them by using the answers that the majority of people voted for. This will also enable us to gather more ideas for our final piece.

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