Tuesday 31 January 2017

Poster Practical

Poster Practical
In our promotional package for our urban drama teaser trailer 'Off the Rails' a poster is part of it. After doing our photo shoot at Bearsted train station to get our pictures I then started the editing process. I looked through the images that were taken on the day and decided on the one which looked best. We choose the image that is the same angle  and location as the moving video that is used on our website so there is links between our package and people can identity them easily.
 I then imported the image onto Photoshop where I adjusted the size of it, we decided to go landscape as most urban dram posters are that way.
After I saw that the image was slightly dark due to the roof above our protagonists head. So I adjusted the brightness making it lighter but not too light as It will make the genre look different such as a romance with bright lighting. I also changed the saturation and vibrancy bringing out certain colours in the image such as Hugo's clothes to make him stand out more and the yellows. I then decided to sharpen the image I did this by going on smart sharpen and adjusting it so that it looked more professional and clearer.
I then decided to add in and try out the title, I choose to put it on the white roof of the image as it will stand out the best there. I changed the size of the font so that it wasn't too big but still stood out. After adding in the title I then went onto Google where I found the 18 rating symbol, I imported it into Photoshop where I copy merged it on to the poster design. I made it smaller and placed it in the corner of the poster which Is on the design sheet we have crated but it also placed in the corner in a majority of other film posters.
Overall I am happy with how the poster has started to look, there is still a lot more to add on to it such as the tagline and billings. However I'm pleased with how the image has turn out with the colour changes, title and layout at the moment. 

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