Tuesday 7 February 2017

Website Practical

Website Practical
 After the shoot for our website images and videos we finally decided on the right one for our website which was of our protagonist sat at the train station the same image used on our poster apart from there is a train that moves in front of him. One of my group members uploaded the moving image and created tabs and social media links which led to other pages, I then took on the role of editing the text to the same one used throughout our poster and trailer, as well as the colour and positing.
Luckily I had already downloaded our font we chose that was 'Bebas Neue' onto the Mac, I then selected that font and type out our name of our film that is 'Off the rails'. I adjusted the size and placed it in the right position that is up the top in the center of our website, making It black so that it stands out.
I then went on to sort out the tabs, I changed the font and the size as well as the colour, which I changed to green as this is our chosen colour for our colour theme and is used on the poster. I made sure the tabs wasn't very big as they needed to be smaller then the title. When your on the selected page the tab turns  to a dark grey colour so you know which page you are on while the others stay green.
I then started adding in critics reviews I added the same ones in from our poster however I didn't put the stars in as I felt this wasn't needed on our website. I made the colour green as you wouldn't be able to see it in black due to the background and being our selected colour. I also added in our age rating which is 18 in the right colour, I made sure this wasn't too big and so it looked more realistic.
 I added in another critic review just above the other one in the same colour, font and size. I also added in our chosen production company in the opposite corner to our age rating. This is the same layout to our poster design so will be recognisable to people and will know what film it is.

I then added in the stars for our critic reviews I went onto shapes where I found the right star, after adjusting it to the right size I copy and pasted it so all the starts would be the same size.

After I had pasted all the starts I moved them into the right position above the reviews, I made sure there was 5 on the top review and 4 on the bottom as this is the same as our poster. It was also important that they was all in the right position meaning all in line.

I then changed the colour of the starts to green to match our theme colour. I selected the colour used on the text already on the website so it would be all the same green. I then decided that it didn't look right having the starts and review the same colour, so I changed it to white being the same as our poster and identifiably.

This was the finishing piece one I had changed the colours and placement of text so it could be read over our moving image. I am happy with our moving image it adds something different compared to just a still image website. 

I am pleased with how the website design is looking, the final stage for the website will be to add in our teaser trailer and some final adjusts such as double checking the fonts are the right size and position. When these are done our website will then be complete.

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