Friday 10 February 2017

Editing practical

Editing Practical

My task was to edit the quick succession shots at the end of the trailer. This was a stressful task at first as I could not find any tutorials to help me with my task at hand, this therefore meant that I had to used my initiative and previous editing skills to help me complete this task. 

In addition to this, as I couldn't find any videos or tutorials which could have helped me I therefore had to experiment a lot with the editing of the black shots between the quick succession shots.

Firstly I started off by trying to use the transition effects between these short 1 second clips, such as 'fade to colour' however when including this and watching it through, I did not see this as being effective as this transition was slower than what I was looking for. 

I then got the idea of using a 0.5 second blank screen between each of these 1 second clips, as this would give the fast paced feel and effectiveness in which i was looking for. 

Another decision I had to make was whether or not we add these the black shots to be in-time with the music. However when trying this I felt that this made it look more like a music video rather than a film teaser trailer which was our task at hand. Therefore I stuck with the simplistic however effective method of adding in 0.5 second black screens between each shot in the montage of quick succession shots. 

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