Sunday 12 February 2017

Editing Practical- Typography/Titles

when I made the teaser trailer I was incorporated in sorting out the typography and titles. We didn't need many titles in our piece as we have a voice over explaining what is going on. However we did need to include some at the end of our trailer. This is because all trailers do include title screens so we had to include some.

The first thing that I did was too observe the different effects that could be used as our text appears. As a group we picked the text that we thought would work the best with our genre of chose and with the actual feel of the piece. We wanted to make it seem very dramatic so we aloud the text to come in quite sudden which works with the end of our trailer which was a fast paced montage sequence.

someone in our group had already downloaded the font that we have chosen to use throughout our pre production phase.  the text in question was 'Bebas Neue' and it I a conventional font to our gene. The first title we wanted to include was the title of our piece that is 'Off The Rails'. This can be seen in the picture above this paragraph.

After I had finished this I pasted in the next title screen which was the 'Coming Soon' title. the reason we incorporated this was so that it would be the first trailer for this film and meant we didn't have to incorporate many other title screens. After we had done this we come across a problem though. We thought that the duration of the shot was not long enough and that the audience didn't have enough time to read them. We then went on and tired to change this by  blading it half way through and adding in black so that it took longer for the second title to appear. However this didn't work so we ended up dragging out the effect making it longer. This worked and allowed the viewer to be able to read our titles clearly without trouble.

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