Tuesday 27 September 2016

Typography Practical

Typography Practical 

For this practical task I first of all looked at titles of urban drama films, from this I got an idea of what I could do. I chose the word Hood as it results to Urban dramas. 

First of all I picked quite a plain font as the fonts used aren't usually very different. I then manipulated the text by right clicker the text layer and converting it to a shape.  

After i converted it to a shape i selected the direct selection tool where u grabbed a section of the H and stared moving it around, extending the lengths of the H and the middle slightly thicker.
I then started moving around the O and D of the word making them slightly jagged and thinner in some places. This was to make it look messy and as if it had been written down or graffiti representing the youth who may write down their thoughts and graffiti.    

I then tided up the text a bit as i felt like it was a bit too jagged and thin i felt like in the image before it looked more like a horror film title. So i made the H thicker and less sharp standing out from the rest of the letters as other urban dramas titles sometimes have a letter which stands out usually being an I as the film is usually following someones life and journey.



After - Finishing result

By doing this typography practical i was able to experiment with Photoshop, this allowed me to learn new skills which i will need for our trailer. Our trailer will need a title by doing this task i now have the knowledge how to edit words and titles so which will benefit us in the creating of ours. If i was to do this again I'd use a different word highlighting the I instead, for our title I think we should have a word which has an I in it as there will be more to edit on the title, for example having the I stand out from the other letters just like in Brotherhoods title they have a lowercase 'r' and the other letters were capitals.

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