Saturday 12 November 2016

Production Company

When we deconstructed teaser trailers at the beginning of the year it became clear that there are many different parts of the trailer. One part if the trailer I am yet to look at is production company ident. This is the short moving image at the beginning of the film or trailer that lets the audience know what production company made the film.

Because we are making a film we will also need to make one. Usually there is a major and minor production company involved in the production depending on the budget of the film if it is a low budget film low less well know companies will be used. This means that I will need to make my own short production company ident so I can use it in my piece.

As the film I am going to film is an urban drama I  will want to do something that will represent this in the short amount of time. I already know that studies who produce horror films will involve this is there ident and make the company name scary with scary themes but this is more difficult with urban dramas as they do not have as easy themes to them. This is why I decided to do film a realistic event as use that as my company name.

The way i created my production company was simple. I went to a fireworks night in Larkfield and filmed multiple shots of the fire works and selected the one I thought was the best. The reason I chose this shot was because i liked the exposure of the shot. The camera was focused very well and so it gave a really cool effect that with arouse the viewers in a way that will cause them to retain connection and retention to our film. this blurry shot also inspired me to come up with the name exposure studies as exposure is a turn in photography where the camera lens is left often for curtain periods of time to let different amounts of light in.

After collecting and importing and exporting the footage I have captured I had to edit it. This meant adding the name of the production company to the shot and then also adding audio to the shot. The way the sound was made was i recorded a sound effect that was playing through a cheap tinny speaker which gave it a screechy effect and then i raised the volume drastically so it was a piercing sound. I then took this sound and added it to the footage. The hardest part of this was lowering the background talking from the original footage but still allowing the sounds of the firework explosions to be heard clearly in the shot. The next stage of editing was adding the text. This for me was the hardest part as I was editing on my iPhone I didn't have many options to go with and the editing software was hard to control. This means I wasn't able to edit it as well as I wanted to. Although this is true I was over all happy with the outcome as seen below.

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