Thursday 24 November 2016

Presentation feedback

In class we had to receive feedback so that we know where to go next in the development of our piece. We had to go to the front of a class as a group and explain what our storyline was to an audience composed of our class mates so that we could gather self report data and feed back from our peers. Everything that was recored was written down so we could refer back to it. 

One thing that we were told as a group was to look for music. This sis so that we enough time to pick a effective piece of music to use. This is something i think i will look into soon as i have the ability to play and instrument and i also know what to look out for when picking and developing a piece of music. 

Another thing i was instructed to do was change the voice over. Our first draft was quite deep and took long to say. The feedback we were given instructed us to tone it down and make it much shorter and similar. They gave us examples of just saying "i had good friends" rather then a deep meaning full monolog. 

Furthermore they also instructed us  to us more public transport. This is because they thought that it was a good location to use in a social realistic urban drama film. This means in the scenes where the friends go to the train station we will need a much bigger variety of shots and longer screen time in that location. Also on locations they said that when we have the fridge shot we will need to consider the background of the shot and make sure that the house looks oldish and poor looking. It should only have a table in the background and there shouldn't be much seen within the shot. 

The focus group and peer review also gave us some positive feedback. They said the idea behind it was really powerful and effective and they also highlighted the fact that it was a good decision to use  as little titles saying producers to keep the tension within the fast paced cutting sequence. All of this feedback was very good because it means we as a group can go on and develop our idea to make it the most professional piece that we can. We can also do research into other things such as music. Everything i have learnt i will learn from and move on to make our piece the best it can be. 

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