Tuesday 29 November 2016

Presentation Feedback

Presentation Feedback
We was given the task to present to the class our ideas for our film trailer, this took place on the  23rd November where my group and I did a short presentation. Our presentation consisted of us explaining our plot of the trailer and story board in detail with the shots, voiceover, locations, props and actors which we are going to use. We then got the classes feedback, as they are all media students we knew they could give us the specific helpful feedback in order for us to improve.
This was the feedback we received:
  • Start looking for sound to use as that will be hard to find and take time
  • Change some words in our voiceover to make it simpler ( surrounding myself with positive people change to I had good friends)
  • Show more shots of public transport e.g. on a bus/train or waiting at a bus stop, as public transport is very common in urban dramas
  • To include a few titles within the trailer saying the producers of the film
  • The mise en scene, by getting a plain kitchen table or desk and placing it up against a plain wall with cutlery will show the family doesn't have much money instead of the glass table which is in our kitchen location as this wont show the family's money struggles.
By receiving this feedback my group and I now know what we need to include within our trailer to improve it. We also know what changes we need to make and to start looking for our sound which will help our film opening to be the best it can be.

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