Wednesday 8 February 2017

Editing comparison

These are the two AMV I have created to prepare myself for editing the final piece. They have both helped me in honing my skills at editing. The one at the top is the firt ever one I made and the one underneath that is the newest one. When looking at both of them I can see a clear difference in skills.

The first one contained much more amateur like editing. This is because of the black cuts. I used cuts to a black screen to act like flashes in both of the pieces. It can be said that the second one has utilised this in a much better way. This is because they are timed much better. They are more in tune with the music and also they flash for the same amount of time as the music which is something I didn't consider in the first editing task.

Also the second AMV has a much more polished finish. I put much more time and effort into the second one and difference in quality can be seen because of this. Because of this I must put as much time and effort into my film trailer to make sure that it looks professional as a whole. everything that I have learnt must be applied to it also. If I techniques have learnt whilst doing these tasks the editing of the final piece should look professional and will always interest the viewer.

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