Tuesday 7 February 2017

Music practical

The non diegetic sound track is very important in an urban drama. It can be sued in many ways, mainly to accompany the visuals and emotions that the audience will feel about the visuals they are seeing but it can also be used to convey genre. Because of this it is very important that the music heard in our piece can both accompany the visuals seen and also convey genre.

As I am making and urban drama social realism film it is important that the music I chose to use also compliments the genre. Because of this I chose the song Mischief. It is a remix on sound cloud and because of there new rules I can use this free and it is non copy write. It contains many acts that will compliment the genre. As they are urban music from the grime genre there will be clear links between the music and the genre which is why the song works well.

The second thing I had to consider was the way the music and footage work together. The in diegetic sound track was going to come in at the end of the trailer so it didn't clash with the voice over. When doing this I came into contact with a phew problems. The main one was that the sound didn't seem right when it is first introduced and also the fast paced polyphonic melody, that is introduced during the middle of the song, didn't fall when the fast paced montage shots start. Both these things were dealt with and now it works with the piece.

the first problem I bypassed by merely cutting the music. I played the audio in final cut and zoomed into the parts that I wanted. I made cuts in the music so that the long introduction was reduced. I had to also make sure that the sound wasn't jumpy where I cut it. this meant I had to time the cuts so that the melody wasn't disrupted and the tune carried on going unchanged. this was the easier of the two things as all it involved was cutting the audio at the right points.
In this screen shot you can see where I put the music. The audio fills loudest and fastest part is seen when the first shot of the montage part is located showing that the music gets faster when the shots do
The second problem was resolved in a much more complex and time consuming way. I wanted the music to build up slowly in volume till the climax of the visuals and the bass drop of the music. this involved me both timing the bass drop with the montage footage and also adding a fade up in the music. After I had chosen the right place for the music to be put (lining up the bass drop with the start of the montage) I then went on to add the fade effect to the music. I did this using markers that were placed at zero seconds on the music and also 5 seconds.

In this print screen you can see a grey diamond above the audio right at the beginning. this is there as a key point where the audio can be manipulated. Here is were I changed the music as I dragged it to the bottom making that audio silent at the begging and progressively get louder till the end of the music.

After the second point had been attached to the audio I then went about manipulating the sound. I made sure that the audio was silent at the beginning and then progressively got louder till the Ten second point where the audio levels of and stays constant throughout the rest of the trailer.

this is what it looks like when it is done. The yellow line indicates the volume of the audio and were it rises from and two. You can see it gets progressively louder in an ark and levels off when the montage shots begin.

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